Whatever your views, God certainly was an alien of some sort as he didn’t originate from planet earth.
UFO related sentence of the month
"The aliens claim to have created Homo sapiens through hybridisation...they further claim to have created all our major religions. They showed a Hologram of the crucifixion of Christ that the government had filmed. They claim Jesus was created by them."
Milton W. Cooper in his controversial MJ-12 statement
The first book of Moses - evidence of alien influence in ancient times?
For many years there has been controversy between people who believe that we can find some evidence in the Bible that "God" was an alien and those with a strong religious belief who think it is sacrilege even to think about such things. I'm neither a religious person nor a Bible scientist, but if you read this book with an open mind you will find much evidence to suggest that the first group is right. The Bible is full of discrepancies about a lot of things and also many parts in today's Bibles are translated in a religious and completely false way.
Furthermore, the apocryphal (unofficial) books of the Bible (which were deemed too "dangerous" for the official version because some of them show us ideas that are different from the normal Bible text) give us much more proof for an alien influence. The Bible as we know it today is a result of mythology, symbolism, history, false translations, missing (important) parts and entire books and an interpretation of the events in an absolutely religious way. If we look "behind" this "wrong interpretation" we will see, that the Christian religion is based on many faults. If I would mention all discrepancies, faults, wrong translations and strange sentences in the Bible, I would probably write hundreds of pages, so I will show you only some of the mistakes in the following text.
First of all, we should have in mind the following facts: God was not a single being; he was one of a group of beings. (As we can see in the original Bible)
- He was not almighty and he didn't know everything? (As we can see in every Bible)
- He was not a spiritual being, he was human-like or humanoid.
- Angels or "Elohim" have had sexual relations with mortal/human women.
- The results of these relations were the "Nephilim", the giants or hybrids.
- The Old Testament and the New Testament are absolutely different writings (in many ways.)
"In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth..." With these words the first book of Moses (the book of Genesis) started. In the following paragraphs of the first book, we can read how god created light and darkness, land and water, plants and animals and much more in the next 6 days. We know today that this is just symbolic (the Universe and Earth were definitely not created just in 6 days but took at least 15 billion years.).
What is interesting in this first sentence of the Bible? the modern translation always uses "God" as a singular word, as one person or being. But if we look at paragraph 26 "God" said, "Let us make man..."
Why us? Who were the others, Angels? The Bible had not mentioned any other beings at this early time (we can read in some of the preceding lines that the Earth was empty and only the spirit of god was hovering over the water) but "God" spoke in the plural. He spoke to others of his kind (or species?). I was thinking very long about the mistake, and then I found a solution for this problem.
If we look in the original (Hebrew) text of the Bible we read there the word "Elohim" for God ("The Elohim created the heaven and the earth...") but "Elohim" is no singular word. If it is only one single person the right word would be just "El" but "Elohim" is the plural and shows us that it mean a group of beings ("Elohim" can be translated as something like "the bright".
There are other explanations of similar words in different languages that mean "angels".) So "the bright/the "angels" created heaven and earth and all things and then said; "Let us (the Elohim) make man..." It seems that in fact a group of "bright" beings were responsible for the creation of the world.
God as a group
A second logical mistake
That is strange. "In a way that looks similar to them?" Isn't God a spiritual being as it was mentioned before? Or was he or were the "Elohim" solid and humanoid beings with normal bodies like man?
The Bible is very detailed in this case and we can read that God in fact created man like himself. So our own body is maybe evidence that "God" was not a spiritual but a solid humanoid being.
The creation of man in the Bible should not be interpreted as the creation of a completely new race out of nothing. The human race has developed from ape-like beings over many millions of years and that is definitely proven through archaeological evidence, and the identity of most parts of the genes of chimpanzee’s and human’s (but not all parts).
The "ape-men" were maybe the genetic base material for the artificial development of a "new human race" with better abilities than the old animal-like species. So if the "Elohim" say, that they will create man like themselves, they don't think about the possibility of making a completely new race, but to "add" their physiology and intelligence to a pre-existing prehistoric man. If we talk about first men and women in the Bible, we should think that they were not really the first human beings, but maybe the first of a new artificial species.
The story of the creation of Adam and Eve was interpreted in many ways. Some people believe that the stories of dust as a base material for the man, (the seed of life and the rib from which God created a woman) are evidence of a genetic experiment of the Elohim.
Surprisingly, it seems that he couldn't create the woman with just his words, as he had done with all other things before. He must make Adam "sleep" and must use a rib - a genetic part - of him to create a second human.
The Garden of Eden as a genetic laboratory or an alien base?A zoo for a new race? In addition, the famous "tree of knowledge" and the "tree of life" were interpreted as symbols for the human DNA code, but this is just a theory. Whatever the "tree" was, God was afraid that the humans would eat from the fruit of the tree (that they would find out the truth about him and their own species?) so he told a lie to Adam. It's strange, but we are just on the second page of the Bible and we can read now that God told the humans a lie, when he advised them not to go to the tree, because they will die immediately if they eat the forbidden fruit. But that was not true, because the fruit wasn't poisoned or anything like that, God was just afraid that the humans would eat it.
Well, Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpent and ate the fruit. Then they develop advanced knowledge. (There are some interesting theories what the word "serpent" really means, as "God" didn't give animals the intelligence and ability to speak and as we don't meet - according to my knowledge - any other speaking animals in the whole Bible, the "serpent" must be a symbolism or a mistranslation.
Was the serpent another kind of alien species or was it identical with the "fallen Elohim" which wanted to disturb the original project "Humans"?
A more exotic theory is that the "serpent race" is a race of evil reptilian beings.) When "God" came back to Eden (he was walking in the garden in the evening, when it was not so hot as in the day). As a spiritual and supernatural being it should have been no problem for him to walk in the garden whenever he wanted to, but as a humanoid being it appears that he preferred to walk in the evening- in the cool garden.) He couldn't find Adam and Eve and he searched for them and shouted, "Where are you?" If he God knows everything, there would be no need for him to search and to ask, "Where are you?" but as he did, it is obvious that he was not almighty.
We know the rest of the story: The humans discovered the "secret" of the Elohim. He/they were angry with Adam, Eve and the serpent. So the humans had to leave the Garden of Eden (God first cursed them angrily), But one sentence later he takes care for them and gives them clothing! God used one of his servants, a huge "cherubim" (another Elohim?) with a flaming sword (or with another "mighty weapon") to protect the
"entrance" of the garden (laboratory/alien base?) and not to let in any member of the human species.
Adam and Eve lived outside of the garden and Eve has had two sons, Cain and Abel. If we count the Biblical worldwide population, we have now 4 members of the human race (this is again symbolic and we will find a discrepancy only some paragraphs later.). When Cain has killed by his brother, God again asks a question when he meets with Cain "Where is your brother?" an almighty being would have known where Abel was.
Because he had killed his own brother, God ordered Cain to leave his family and to walk around on Earth, but Cain is afraid that other people he may meet on his journey will kill him. What other people? The Bible had not mentioned any other humans except Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel, yet Cain is afraid of others?
Perhaps of "un-advanced" prehistoric humans?
In the fifth chapter of the book of Moses, we can find a long list of the first people on Earth and these people have something in common: They all lived an extremely long time. Many of them died aged between 800 and 900 years (Adam died after a life of 930 years.) This may be symbolic to show us the great wisdom of those first people, but maybe it has a basis in fact and the lifetime of humans created at the beginning of the experiment was much longer than today. (After some trouble God decided to give humans a maximum lifetime of 120 years as we can read later.)
We should have a special look at the first son of Cain: Enoch. This Enoch is maybe one of the most important (if not the most important) of the early humans, because his role in the "game" between humans and Elohim is very fascinating. Furthermore, with Enoch we can connect the Biblical stories to the Babylonian myths, because we have evidence that Enoch is equal to the Babylonian Utnapishtim. We can read even in the official Bible that Cain has found a wife in the land of Nod east of the Garden of Eden and that his son Enoch was born there. So the land of Nod is the same as the ancient Babylon. (Another problem: according to the Bible text so far, God did not create the land of Nod - Babylon - and the people who lived there. Then where did they come from come so suddenly?)
The Bible mentioned Enoch only in a few sentences: he lived 365 years on earth, but then god lifted him up to the sky and Enoch vanished without a trace. Enoch did not die; he left earth together with God so he must have been a very special person (all the others of the long-living first humans died normally on earth.) The official Bible doesn't say much about him and his life, why?
However, in the apocryphal Ethiopian book of Enoch and in the fragments of the Babylonian story about the life of Utnapishtim (also known as Enoch) we can find many (partly mythological, partly historical) reports about the adventures of Enoch. He visited strange bases of the gods, saw magic and unknown technology; he flew with "divine" devices around the world and from base to base. He made a journey to a secret place of the gods, where he was attacked by a robot-like "monster" and other devices. In regards to the fragmented and difficult to translate "robot story" I'm not absolutely sure if it was Enoch or Nimrod - another of the early humans). Enoch/Utnapishtim talked to gods and man and he was maybe some kind of "ambassador" between the human race and the Elohim.
In the sixth chapter of the first book of Moses we find one of the most surprising stories, which is (especially for strong-believing Christians) difficult to understand and maybe shocking.
We read there that the "Children of God" (interpreted as angels and in truth the first right translation of the word Elohim) As more than one being who were tempted and came down to Earth to have sexual relations with human women. Sexual relations? Aren’t angels like God spiritual beings? (As we believe today maybe falsely.) Without any such "base" feelings and thoughts? Maybe not?
The human women had sex with the Elohim and the results of these relations were hybrids. These crossbreeds were called "Nephilim" in the original Hebrew text. The English Bible translates this word mistakenly with "giants" but the Hebrew word for giants is not "Nephilim" (it is "Redupaim") so the word "giants" is wrong. It would be certainly a little bit difficult for human women to give birth to "giant babies" so we must understand "giants" in a metaphoric way as a description for (intellectually?) advanced and different beings or hybrids with mixed Elohim-alien/human genetic structure.
The word "Nephilim" itself is difficult to translate, but it can mean "the fallen" so it described not only the hybrid giants but also those angels who disobeyed the orders of God and came down to Earth to have sexual relations. Today we understand the term "fallen angels" as a phrase for evil and demon like beings, but the Bible doesn't speak about them in that way. According to the apocryphal book of Enoch the "fallen Elohim" or "Nephilim" (200 of them) came from the sky down to Earth on Mount Armon, lived together with the humans and taught them various abilities like astronomy, medical knowledge and sorcery (maybe this means advanced technology and physics?.)
The other Elohim (also known as "God") were worried about the things the "Nephilim" were doing and they decided that the hybrids and the behaviour of the "fallen" was dangerous for the whole project, known as "mankind". So the unfriendly consequence was; That sections of the human population (including the hybrids) must be killed in a (artificial?) cataclysm to protect the entire project. Some, (in fact thousands) of people with normal human genes should be saved, including a biblical person called Noah.
The FloodStories about a great flood that covered the whole world with water and about single persons or groups of people, who were warned by God and rescued themselves with a ship, are well known in different countries all around the world.
In the Bible, the Jewish Thora and in the Koran, (Noah and family).
In Sumerian and Babylonian writings, (Utnapishtim/Enoch and family).
In Greek writings, (Deukalion and family). In the Indian Satapatha, (Manu and 7 wise men). In Persia, (Yima and a thousand other human couples).
In Chinese legends, (Yao). In the myths of the South-American tribes like the Inca, Toltecs and Aztecs. In the writings of the Nordic people, the Vikings and many more.
All cultures of the world remember a great cataclysm, so the story of the flood must be partly true but the fact that only Noah and his family were rescued is wrong, as there is also archaeological and geological evidence for floods in other parts of the world.
In the common Christian belief the flood was caused by the "Wrath of God", who made it rain for "forty days and forty nights". If we consider that that the Elohim were responsible for the flood, that would lower the human population and kill the hybrid "giants" in order to protect the experiment. We can also think that some kind of advanced weapon or technology was responsible for the destruction (some scientists believe that an asteroid impact caused the flood. Could it also be a planetary hit with a mighty weapon?) By the way, there are rumours that the wreck of the Ark of Noah had been found on the Mount Ararat in Turkey, but there is no real evidence for that.
The "Elohim" - angels or aliens?
Some chapters later-- (Chapter 18) We read about Abraham. He was again, visited by "God" in the form of a normal person.
When Abraham was sitting in front of his house, he saw three men and discovered that they were sent from God. One of the men seemed to be "God" himself as he spoke directly to Abraham and gave him orders (maybe he was the leader of this group of Elohim, so Abraham must have believed it was "God" himself).
He promised Abraham that his wife Sara would be pregnant soon. That fact was obviously a big surprise for Abraham, because he and his wife were in his opinion to old to have children.
"God" however was absolutely sure that it would be no problem and that Sara would become pregnant – (maybe by the use of artificial insemination.)
Furthermore he informed Abraham, that he would destroy the town of Sodom, because the people there are bad and violent. (If the destruction of the two towns of Sodom and Gomorrah is a fact – something that we do not exactly know for sure - the Elohim must have certainly had other reasons for the destruction.)
In chapter 19 the story continues and we read about Lot who was also visited by "angels" (in this case without "God" personally) who warned him that Sodom would be destroyed. Lot invited the angels to stay in his house overnight, to eat and have a good time there. Lot opened the door and after a short discussion (the angels first refused to stay because it was against their orders). The two Angels (Elohim) entered the house through the open door, stayed overnight and ate together with Lot and his family (another evidence that they were not spiritual beings but normal creatures.)
The next morning, the angels advised Lot and his family to leave the town immediately (because the countdown was running?) Sodom was destroyed then by the wrath of God (by a mighty weapon?) The Bible described brimstone and fire from above (missiles, nuclear weapons?) and a great cloud like the smoke from a furnace rising up from the land (a mushroom cloud of an atomic detonation?). Lot's wife looked back at the town (against the order of the angels) and became like a pillar of salt (white skin and hair as an effect of nuclear radiation or similar device?).
Again - like in the great flood before - "God" had used deadly forces to totally destroy parts of the surface of the Earth.
In chapter 28 (to go a little bit faster forward) we can read that Jacob met "God" (in a dream?) some years later.
Jacob described a ladder from Heaven to Earth and the angels of God were walking up and down on the ladder. On top of the ladder (or the entrance of something in the sky?) where Abraham saw "God" standing.
This "vision" is interesting in two ways: First it sounds very similar to some of today's UFO experiences (Close encounters of the Third Kind) Especially the part about the ladder and the beings walking up and down. As a ladder can't lead up directly to the sky, there must have been an object hovering over the earth and "on top" of the ladder means maybe inside the object. Second it is one of the last parts of the official Bible in which God is mentioned as a person or solid being (standing beside a ladder and speaking.)
In newer books God is always described as more spiritual, almighty and without a body. He appears later often only as loud voice or in the shape of light, fire and smoke (in the case of the prophet Ezekiel in the shape of a disc-like glowing object in the sky). So we see again a discrepancy as the "image" of God has changed in the minds of the people.
The second book of the Bible is the story of the life of Moses. According to the traditional belief, Moses wrote the whole "Pentateuch" - the first five books - of the Old Testament himself, but various discrepancies in the writings show us that the "Pentateuch" was collected from at least five different historical and mythological sources or more.) We can find proof for extraterrestrial/Elohim influence in the story of Moses, but one of the most interesting facts, concerns a special "divine device" on Earth: The "Ark of the Covenant".
The main task of the "Ark" was that the Ten Commandments were transported inside it, but the second task is more mysterious. "God" gave Moses detailed instructions of how to construct the "Ark" using different materials, connecting these materials in a special way. Using strange parts (like a candelabra with tubes?) and lastly to put two statues of "cherubim" on top of the object.
Between the wings of the "cherubim" - God promised - he will appear himself (as a projection?) to talk to Moses and to give him commands and advice. Furthermore, the special people who carried the "Ark of the Covenant" must also wear special clothing to be protected from the "Ark". When one of the Israelites (who was curious) touched the forbidden "Ark" he died immediately. It seems that the "Ark" was not just a chest to carry the commandments; it was also a very dangerous and technological device of heavenly (Elohim) origin with great powers.
Maybe it was a nuclear powered transmitter to speak with God and also some kind of weapon (as it was shown in a popular "Indiana Jones" movie.) What happened to the "Ark of the Covenant" is unknown. In the later "Book of the Chronicles" it is again mentioned.
David - King of Jerusalem - brought the "Ark" back to his temple. It was later stored in Jerusalem for many years in the temple of Solomon but disappeared there.
Hundreds of years later the Romans stole many treasures from the old temple, the "Ark" had vanished without a trace (maybe because it was technological evidence for the influence of the Elohim/aliens?)
At the end of the Old Testament; In the following 3 books of Moses and especially in the books of the prophets we can find many strange descriptions of "contacts" between God, his angels and members of the human race. Often involving various forms of "divine appearances" such as clouds of steam and fire, strange voices, storm wind, lightning and other supernatural events (events that we see today usually in connection with UFO experiences). The time when "God" was walking around in the garden of Eden in the evening, speaking directly face-to-face with humans and when he came to Earth together with others of his species have now definitely finished and God has become some "higher being", something untouchable.
If we have a look at earlier things (from the older core of the Bible) that is a discrepancy. Or have the Elohim changed the project? Do humans need a "higher being" to obey correctly and is an appearance of solid humanoid Elohim not necessary or useful any longer. Who knows...?
What we should keep in mind from the Old Testament is; "God"/Elohim, described that there was at times, a very angry and maybe an aggressive being. (Especially in the last books of Moses) Who destroyed whole cities; who commanded people to make war against other people; who punished people who disobeyed his orders and much more.
The old "project" seemed to be more important for the Elohim than the life of humans. If we have a look at the "God" from the New Testament, he is now surprisingly a "God of love and forgiveness" and his behaviour is very different from that of the ancient Elohim-God. The traditional belief is; that God has changed his mind and became a "friendly God" His son Jesus died for the sins of mankind and God forgave the humans. But that is definitely not the "God" we know from the old testament, so maybe the "prime directive" of the Elohim had changed (or another species is now responsible for Earth? (Just a thought) – another behaviour, or a completely different "God".
The New Testament is written very differently from the older writings and interpreted in a very religious way (there is no connection with older myths, with "memories" about the true nature of the religion) so it is much more difficult to find there any evidence for alien influence.
As Mary was a virgin, when she was pregnant carrying Jesus. There is the possibility that it was some kind of artificial pregnancy to produce an advanced being (there are rumours - for example in the MJ12-Statement of Milton W. Cooper - that grey aliens have given the US government evidence that the grey species were responsible for the hybrid Jesus.)
At the beginning of the New Testament, we hear about a UFO sighting (the star of Bethlehem) which led the three wise men to the birthplace of Jesus. And about the appearance of a bright angel (a "bright" Elohim?) who greeted the shepherds with the words "Do not be afraid" (a sentence that is sometimes used especially from today's contactee' aliens.)
As we have a difference between Old and New Testament, the birth of Jesus could have been signs of a "change" in the whole project.
But why, what was the old project, what is the new project?
Does someone use our belief in the ancient Elohim-God to have influence on the social behaviour of humans?
Who were the "Elohim" really? A lot of questions we should think about, without strict religious intentions as such a strong belief in an "Almighty Invisible God" can hide the truth. And is this maybe exactly what "they" want?
If our religion is really based on Elohim-alien intervention in Biblical times and that they still exist on our planet, causing the phenomena we call UFOs today. We must think about the various influences these aliens could have on the religious aspects of today's human society.
It seems that the "prime directive" of the alien project (if there is one) has changed since the birth of Christ. The flesh and blood "humanoid" Elohim from the Old Testament; have been replaced in the human mind by a single, spiritual and almighty being called "God".
This maybe because the humans need to believe in a supernatural creator of their species, and that this creator can have an influence on the behaviour of mankind through "divine" intervention. There is definitely a difference between the behaviour of the Elohim in the Old Testament and their behaviour in the New Testament.
Because of this we can maybe say; that the creation of a new human race - after the likeness of the Elohim - and the first direct influences (Elohim gods were walking on earth and had sexual relations with human women) were just "Part 1" of the "experiment".
The time since the birth of Christ (humans being educated that "God" is an almighty invisible being), indirect influence through divine interaction with believing humans and all normal UFO cases is perhaps now "Part 2" of the alien project.
What kinds of interaction would the aliens use to influence the social behaviour of humans?
During the Middle Ages there were an especially high number of reports about mysterious "Signs of Heaven". In old European chronicles, from the 10th to the 14th centuries, we can find various stories about flying globes, crosses, swords, dragons, "Holy" lights, appearances of saints and demons and many more "divine" objects in the sky. Unfortunately, the old reports are not very reliable because the people in that age were extremely superstitious. Education and science were not very advanced and certainly many natural events (like unusual cloud formations, comets, stars or lightning) were definitely very often misinterpreted as divine appearances. Nevertheless, like in the cases of today's UFO sightings, we cannot say for sure, that all of the old reports were just "superstition".
Some of them may really describe the sighting of UFOs. The appearance of saints and other Biblical beings can be explained either as meetings with real aliens (contacts, abductions) or as "projections". Which were used to test how the uneducated human population of the Middle Ages would behave if they were to meet their Christian "God" a thousand years later (a thousand years after the end of "Part 1" of the project?).
As we will see, the use of projections of "holy people" - especially of the Virgin Mary - is still in use and it works even in today's well-educated society.
A famous religious event was certainly the appearance of the Virgin Mary in the village Fatima in Portugal 1917.
Three children aged between 6 and 9 years claimed that they met a "beautiful young woman, approximately 18 years old, with white clothing". She told them, that she was sent from heaven and would appear again every 13th day of the following six months. (In this case the beautiful look and the surprisingly young age of the virgin Mary should show us, that such appearances are maybe just religious symbolism used by aliens). The children reported that there was "lightning" or a beam of light from the clear sky before they saw the woman. As promised, the "Virgin Mary" (or whatever it was) appeared every month between May and September. But (and this is the main problem) only the three children were able to see her and to hear her voice. So, was it a religious hallucination? If so, why did all three children see the woman? Was it a hoax? If we think about the advanced technology of the "Elohim/aliens" it would be possible that the "appearance" was in fact some form of "holographic" projection. Not necessarily into the air, (or on some kind of "projection field"), but directly into the minds of the children - and into the minds of other "chosen" people. (Telepathically?)
We have in fact some UFO cases in which only one or two persons from a group saw the object. Is this really evidence that it was not real?
As no one else saw the Virgin Mary, some people were very sceptical. For this reason, the woman promised the children, that there would soon be a "sign" in the sky to show all people that they were telling the truth.
As this "sign" would appear on 13th October 1917; over 70,000 people converged onto the town of Fatima. On this cloudy and rainy day (this shows us how strong the religious "mechanism" is in the human mind).
Witnesses described the famous "Sun miracle of Fatima" as a rotating silver disc, which came down through the rain clouds emitting colourful rays of light. The rain stopped; and many people reported that their wet clothing became dry within seconds caused by the warm rays of the "dancing Sun". The object then became bright red and it seemed that it would crash down and hit the people on the ground. (Maybe to test how the people would react if they were faced with the possible end of the world?) However, it disappeared into the clouds...and the people started praying and thanking God (an expected behaviour).
What really happened?
It was definitely not the real Sun, which was "dancing" in the sky, and the rain clouds were possibly a good way to hide that fact from the praying people. (If there had been a clear sky, people would have certainly seen that the real Sun was in its normal place without any unusual movement). So the bright rotating disc and the rays of light are maybe evidence that it wasn't the Sun that "danced" over Fatima, but a UFO. But why would "God" send a UFO?
Let us think (just as an example) what a contactee' would usually claim.
This would be that his "brothers from space" had told him, that a UFO would hover over a special place and show itself to mankind. How many people would come to this place? How many would ridicule the contactee' and say, his story is absolutely crazy?
If a UFO really did come to the promised place, (this has not knowingly happened in reality yet) how many people would be there? Fifty or maybe one hundred people with a strong belief in the UFO phenomenon, maybe even less? On the other hand, if it was not "space brothers" but the "Virgin Mary" who promised that there would be a real sign from God (not a UFO) appearing in the sky, to show the humans his might. How many religious people would then come to the promised place? 70,000+? That is something we should think about, because it could explain why the aliens have maybe created these myths and use (ancient) religious ideas for their own agenda.
Another feature of the Fatima case is the three prophecies, which were given to the children by the "woman" (Remember that only the children were able to see or hear the woman so no one else heard what was said).
The main problem with two of these predictions is that they were completely wrong. None of the things the Virgin Mary promised that were to come in the near future happened in reality. But why were these prophecies wrong? If the woman was really sent by the almighty and all-knowing God (as she claimed) and if her predictions also came directly from God - why were they wrong? Would God not know what was going to happen in the future? This is again very similar to UFO contactee' experiences, where the "space brothers" very often give the contactee's, incorrect information about coming things (war, total destruction, landing of UFOs next week, the coming of a new age and more), that (so far) has never happened in reality.
So is it maybe the purpose of "space brothers" and "religious appearances" not to tell the truth to humans?
More mysterious is the third and last prophecy of the "beautiful woman" from Fatima, (because only certain people really know what the text of this prediction is). The children said; that the woman ordered them not to reveal the third prophecy to the public, but to give it to the Vatican as a secret document. There are rumours that a pope opened and read the document in either 1942 or 1960 and that he was very frightened and worried afterwards. He ordered that this document should never be revealed to the public but should be hidden in the Vatican for all time. What can be found in the last prophecy that is so "dangerous" for the church? Some people believe that this prophecy contains all secrets of the "Elohim/aliens" and the real story as to how our species and religion was created, through alien influence in ancient times.
This is just a rumour, but it could explain, why the pope was so worried.
If all people in the world knew the truth, the church would be in big trouble. The fact is that the third prophecy of Fatima does exist, but if you ask the Vatican for more information the only reply you will get is "We don't know anything. No further comment". (That sounds very similar to FOIA replies from the US government). Could there be an Elohim/UFO cover-up in the Vatican?
The main problem with all supernatural appearances of "saints" and "demons" is; How can we find out which are only religious hallucinations (generated by the mind) and which are "real" events. As, in most cases, only chosen people (like the 3 children in Fatima) were and are able to see the appearance. How can we be sure that there is in reality something like an alien influence on human religion? Or is it all "religious fiction"? What we need is some evidence that such "miracles" are real. A "holy" object, something that was without doubt created by "divine" and inexplicable forces. Maybe such objects exist and provide some evidence for "divine/alien" influence but the truth is kept from us.
A very famous holy object is the "Shroud of Turin". On this famous relic from Italy we can see an image (body and face) of a bearded man. It is claimed that this is a real "imprint" showing Jesus Christ, who was buried in this shroud. The authenticity of the relic is very controversial.
Some sceptics have declared the shroud a fake, made in medieval times, 500 or 600 years ago. Therefore, it cannot show us the body of Christ from 2000 years ago. Unfortunately, this claim is not proven and there is some evidence that the sceptics were wrong.
The main problem with the shroud is that we cannot completely explain why there is an image of a man on the relic and how the image was made in historical times. There is no paint on it and it seems to be more a photo than a painted image (the image of the bearded man seemed to be "burned in" directly into the microstructure of the shroud). The creation of such an object would need an advanced (divine?) technology - A technology that definitely did not exist on Earth either in the years after Christ's birth or later in the Middle Ages.
Even today it would be very difficult to create such an image with our modern technology. The shroud is definitely several hundred (or thousands?) of years old and not a fake from our century. (This fact is proven). We cannot completely find out how it was really made in the past, so was it created by "divine" forces, a "photo" made by the power of God? If so, why? Maybe to give us a sign for all times, in an object which is impossible to analyse?
The "Shroud of Turin" - a photo of Christ The creation of the "photo" on the "Shroud of Turin" was definitely not "magic". It seems to have been made with some kind of high technology using physical laws, so it could really be evidence of alien influence. No humans in former times were able to use such technology (only "gods") so; the existence of the relic is perhaps evidence that an advanced species was responsible for our religion (and for Jesus Christ?).
The main question remains; why was the "shroud" made? Was it on purpose or just accidental? Who knows? The fact is; there are other unexplainable religious objects and relics like the shroud. Unexplainable could either mean of heavenly origin (if looked at with a religious angle) or created with an unknown alien technology (if looked at with a scientific angle). It is worth noting that if the mysterious "Ark of the Covenant" (one of the most holy things on Earth) is still on this planet and could be found it would provide perhaps the greatest proof for such a technology.
Lastly, we should have a look at another possibility that can explain why people, especially in former times, saw and remember "saints" and "demons" instead of aliens. It may be that for some purpose (the aliens), only allowed the human mind to remember them in the "shape" of famous holy people or such it could be a form of "screen memory".
In today's abduction cases, screen memories are a well-known effect and many abductees report such memories.
I know a case mentioned in the book "Kontakt" about a German abductee who drove alone at night with her car on a dark street and remembered seeing in the light a man dressed like a "magician" with a long beard standing in the street. She remembered seeing the strange "man" and continued driving without stopping.
That's weird. Why should a "magician" appear at night on a lonely street?
When the woman returned home, she discovered that a lot of time was inexplicably missing. Later hypnosis sessions revealed that there was in fact no "magician", but a UFO hovering over the street and that the woman had stopped the car and was abducted and examined that night.
So what happened with the image of the "bearded magician" in her mind? It was obviously not real; it was just a "screen memory" - created by her own mind, (or by the aliens) - to hide the unbelievable abduction scenario.
It is a "mechanism" of the human brain to hide difficult and unpleasant memories (like abductions or child abuse). Other forms of today's screen memories are; strange animals like an owl with large eyes looking into someone's bedroom, a white deer (especially in abduction cases in forests) or a strange cat reported by an abductee in C.D.B. Bryans book "Close encounters of the Fourth Kind").
But what has this to do with our "alien religious influence" topic?
Well, if we believe that a man, in superstitious and much more religious former times, met alien beings and was abducted into a strange technological world, what would he remember? What would his religious-educated mind remember? Maybe "images" of saints showing him heaven, or of demons showing him hell?
There is a case from the 17th century about a young girl from England who was found in the forest and told that "elves" had taken her into a flying "castle" in the sky. This sounds like a screen memory hiding a real scenario with a fairy tale. (Or a lack of the girls understanding of alien technology) So, maybe not all meetings with Biblical beings are produced on purpose by the aliens, sometimes our own mind can cause such religious memories. However, that theory cannot explain the more complex appearances like the Fatima case.
To sum up: If we believe that an alien species has created our religion and maybe the whole human race in ancient times, we must also believe that they are still here and are continuing their project.
I have written at the beginning of the article that maybe in ancient times - the age of the Old Testament before the birth of Christ - were just "Part 1" of the whole project and that the next 2000 years of our history, were "Part 2". However, those 2000 years are over now. So what happens next?
What will the year 2000 and the coming centuries bring for mankind, "Part 3" of the project?
Let us see what happens in future, but one thing is sure: People will continue to see either "technological" UFOs or "ancient" religious appearances and most of them will not know that both phenomena are maybe the same and/or have common roots in ancient Biblical times.
© Copyright Material. For personal perusal only.7. This is again a discrepancy that shows us that the translation and the understanding of the old writings are wrong. There were in fact many more humans (perhaps from other genetic experiments?) besides Adam and Eve, on the planet. : We can read (in the second sentence of the Bible) that "...the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." This means - if we understand it right - that God had no solid body; that he is a supernatural and spiritual being which is able to fly and to be on every place of the empty Earth and Universe. But now, when "God/Elohim" said "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." he definitely said that they want to make the man in a way that look very similar to themselves, similar to their own body (here we have again the plural). ? A very unusual belief, but maybe true. Nevertheless, I will continue to use the word "God" as a singular word in the article, but we should have in mind that it can always mean more than one being.
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